Saturday, March 19, 2011

First Sermon Series at Centerpointe Church @ Fair Oaks


Tomorrow I begin a series called "The Unstoppable Force." It will be my first message as Lead Pastor of Centerpointe Church @ Fair Oaks.

This series is about The Church, The Body of Christ - Big "C". Jesus said he would build his church and the gates of Hell will not be able to overcome it. I liken it to a locomotive. Like most young boys, I was fascinated with trains. They were big and powerful. What was most impressive was the locomotive, pulling up to a hundred railroad cars up steep hills across the country. I used to count them as they would go by. The sound of the whistle signaled to the world that it was coming our way. 

"Locomotive" comes from two Latin words: Loco meaning "from a place" and Motivus meaning "causing motion". That's a great picture of The Church, "A Place Causing Motion."

When the church is working right, things happen. People are changed and communities are transformed.

I am excited about what God is doing in The Church and particularly what God wants to do at Centerpointe Church. This local expression of The Church is going to be a place where Faith Comes Alive.

Thanks Kris Celeste for putting our first message bumper together.

Enjoy the Journey,

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